Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Baaaaaaaaaaad Blogger

well, i've been MIA for, uhhh months. but life happens. and boy does it. rowan continues to slowly torture us with sleep deprivation and i cannot remember the last time i've slept longer than a 3 hours stretch in, oh 2 years. work has been draining the life from me, and i continue to job hunt for something in labor and delivery. i suppose when you don't have anything good to say....

dave is flying through school and i can't believe the first year will be done before i know it. we signed ourselves on to a wixked summer class schedule (morning and evening classes daily mon to thur for 5 weeks) but this will allow dave to be off for the better part of july and august as opposed to being in summer school throughout the summer. no way jose. we need a break!!!!

liam is reading now and really enjoys kindergarten. we were so blessed that he got into this charter school....

well... enough for now