so, my oldest is off to kindergarten. we finally got word the week before school that liam was in at my mother's school (where she is the school nurse). it is a progressive charter school and scores quite well. we were naturally excited. it didn't quite hit me until days before. we took a final summer outing to the sprinklers in bayonne, which were the only ones still on after labor day, the day before school opened. as i watched liam frolick in the water, the feeling came over me that this was the last day "home". so i cried the day before school. i just had this overwheling feeling of wanting another year. it was such a sense of sadness and loss for the last 5+ years that i hadn't really sat in yet. these moments that we don't anticipate, the ones that creep up on you, these are the hard parts of motherhood you don't hear/know about from the start, from your friends at your shower.
liam ended up late that day since we had to get his transfer, not knowing we wasted time at ps 28 and then going to saoring heights, his original charter school, to get the transfer. he went for 2/3 of the half day. he loved it, and his teachers are wonderful. our neighbor down the street is in his class and he feels comfortable making new friends.
on the job front, orientation for hospice is put on hold at this time. i just don't know where i would fit in the time. we decided that i will just try to do a couple extra shifts a month at work. i am starting to really get the hang of this, as much as i possibly could. the short-staffing is pretty ridiculous, but there isn't i am able to do about that.
They are so cute. I can't imagine my little guy heading off to school. It will definitely hit me hard.
Hope work is okay. Sounds busy. It sounds like you are managing okay.
hey - Thanks for the kind words re: Lo's grandmother. We appreciate how warm everyone has been.
It's great that he can make friends easily and that he loves his school experience. My little one just started first grade but since he's home schooled I didn't have the separation anxiety. I do remember it with my older ones and I can't recall a dry eye.
Glad your getting to feel better about your work.
Don't know if I ever responded to your posted response to me or not. Thanks for being a "serial lurker." hehe or not. I love it that I still have a few followers from my Storknet days. Thanks for the encouragement! Take care, Terra
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